A couple of items of interest were raised at the CEGSA GM last night that I'll outline below for your information.
Firstly the Natural Resource Management Act (NRM) is changing, and there is an ongoing consultation process happening in aid of this. The act will change to be the Landscape South Australia Act, and some members of the caving community may be keen to get involved in this process, and make sure that the views are taken into account. More details on this change, as well as dates and venues for consultations can be found here: https://yoursay.sa.gov.au/decisions/landscape-reform/about
Secondly, Matt Smith talked briefly last night about an article he came across entitled "Stalagmite study offers clues about Earth's past magnetic polarity shifts"
A large team of researchers from China, Taiwan and Australia has found evidence of faster-than-expected shifts in Earth's magnetic polarity several thousand years ago. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the group describes their study of stalagmites found in a cave in China and what they found.
Read more at: https://phys.org/news/2018-08-stalagmite-clues-earth-magnetic-polarity.html#jCp